All Youth Group Games

Dodgeball 🔴

Various ways to play dodgeball.

11 to 14 15 to 17 18+
Group Size
16 - 30 31 - 59
Indoor Gym High Energy Elimination Tag
16 - 30 31 - 60

Players are split into equal halves and dodgeballs are placed on a center line. The facilitator says go and players rush forward, grabbing dodgeballs and throwing them at opponents. If a player is hit, he or she is out. Players who get out form a line in order of how they got out. If a player catches a ball, the next person in the line of people who has been eliminated is back in the game and the thrower of the ball is out.


Each team has one medic. When players get out, instead of going to the side they simply sit down. When the medic touches them, they are back in the game. If the medic gets out, players can no longer be healed. Before the game begins the facilitator makes sure both teams know who the other team's medics are.


Same as above but teams do not share with the other team who their medic is. Medics then try to heal without being obvious and thus giving away their role to the opposing team.


When players get out, they must sit down (on their bottom) where they were hit. They may still throw balls that role to them and get people out. If a sitting player catches a ball from an opposing player who is still standing, the thrower is out and the sitting player is back in.


One player is selected as a team's president. The facilitator tells both teams who the opposing president is. A team loses if their president is eliminated.


Two equally-sized figures (plastic statue of a character, etc) are found. One figure is placed on either side of the dodgeball court. A team is eliminated if their figure is knocked over by the opposing team (or if all their players are eliminated).
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee